Sauce of Life

Sauce of Life is a single player 2D casual game made by Unity. The development process of Sauce of Life follows the rule of Ludum Dare 50, one of the most Game Jam around the world. The theme of Ludum Dare 50 is delay the inevitable. My team and I accomplished this game in 48 hours.

Role: Team Leader & Game Designer

Background Story

The game is about dealing with everything that accompanies making a game— pressure from the work you do, the family you have, relationship, others’ words, everything that might make a person on edge.


Player will play as a programmer in a game company who tries to balance work and life by taking on and dropping off pressures, and by grasping the tiniest hygge possible in life. If you fail to take on the pressure and let them fall into your sea of mind, the sea will rise and finally engulf you.

Game over Page

Link to the Game in itch: Sauce of Life

Download Windows version: Sauce of Life_ Win

Download Mac version: Sauce of Life_ Mac

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